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Join us on Zoom for an interactive webinar with dramaturg Dr. Jennifer Horn and the Associate Artistic Director, H. Caitlin Corbitt!
Shakesology is a 2 ½ hour special event to learn the history and context of Shakespeare’s work, inspired by a program created at Shakespeare’s Globe and led by the Tennessee Stage Company’s dramaturg, Dr. Jennifer Horn.
Each study session will showcase Shakespeare’s story and influences, as well as some of the choices that other productions have made and the background behind the selection for this year’s Knoxville Shakespeare production of “The Taming of the Shrew” as well as a special edition that focuses on The First Folio for the 400th anniversary of its printing. Members of the Stage Company’s artistic team will also discuss the current productions and their creative process.
This is a FREE Program open to all!
“One of the key elements of Shakespeare’s genius is that his plays are so open to different interpretations,” said Horn. “If you’ve seen one production, you learn that you haven’t seen them all.”